April 16, 2024

Homes are precious to every homeowner. Caring for your home is not always about maintaining the value of your asset. Maintenance has so much to do with the safety of you, your loved ones, and other precious belongings. 

From a leaky faucet to an overflowing toilet and a burst pipe, something bad can be just a few minutes away from happening. However, that does not mean that you always have to live in fear of an unfortunate accident.

Regular home maintenance and care can prevent many unfortunate accidents from happening and save you from big plumbing bills. Of course, the first step in preventing unfortunate accidents starts with you and your knowledge of the water system in your home.

To begin with, here are a few tips for drain and sewer line maintenance that begins with you.

1. Limit Food Down the Drain

Everyone knows at least one person in their life who is okay with letting leftover food go to the skin. After all, why not? Little food crumbs look harmless. Well, you will be surprised to know that most food waste is a lot heavier than what sewer lines are intended to let through.

Therefore, one of the biggest reasons for plumbers being called in the kitchen is food clogs. A clogged kitchen sink can restrict your kitchen work and disturb the rhythm of your life.  

To avoid this terrible position, make sure that you scrape even the smallest particles of food before putting a plate in the sink. If needed, only allow small particles of food through the sewer line. For best results, make sure to run cold water thoroughly. 

2. Avoid Grease

Grease is one of the biggest suspects for clogs in domestic sinks. From fried to take-out dinner, little by little, grease can choke your drainage and sewer line and create a big problem that may be revealed only by thorough pipeline inspection.

As the grease cools off, it can become very sticky and stubborn. It can also stick to other debris coming into the sink leading to unexpected clogs.

To avoid grease from taking over, you can use a simple yet effective remedy. You can mix baking soda and vinegar to form a bubbly solution. You can rinse your sink with this solution to cut down the grease buildup in your sinks.

3. Invest in a Snake

Every household faces minor clogs sometimes. It may cause panic at the moment but before you call a plumber, assess the situation by yourself. Rather than spending on a plumber, maybe you can learn and adapt a DIY drain cleaning video.

The first thing you need to undertake this job is a snake. Snakes are cheap and can help you in removing minor clogs without any effort. You just have to put it down the line and twist it to unclog the blockage.

If the problem persists after using the snake, then you may have no other way but to call for professional help.

You can find easily: PLUMBERS NEAR ME

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