April 19, 2024

Social marketing is a set of techniques that enable brands to engage with consumers in real-time and make a positive difference in their lives. It’s not just another buzzword, social marketing can be the difference between success and failure for your business. If you want to know how to create a successful social marketing mix, then read on! Besides, I’d love to introduce you to Mixx, a social media booster. 

Example of a Social Marketing Mix

The social marketing mix is a tool for marketers and communicators, who want to create an effective strategy for their organizations. It provides a framework for creating digital content that’s relevant, useful and consistent across platforms. The Social Marketing Mix includes few components:

  • Content creation – creating valuable, shareable content that will help your company reach its goals
  • Communication channels – choosing the right channels based on the audience you want to reach (direct mail vs email vs paid advertising)

What is Social Marketing?

Social marketing is a marketing strategy that uses social media and digital technologies to build relationships with customers, prospects, and other stakeholders. It helps companies build trust, increase brand awareness and generate leads. Social media can be used for many purposes including:

  • Branding – building a strong brand image through the use of content (blog posts) on your website or blog
  • Promoting events or products/services – using Facebook Groups to promote an event or product launch; using YouTube videos for example (this is how I found my current job).

1. Market Research and Consumer Insights

In addition to understanding your target audience, you need to understand how they interact with your brand. This can be done through market research or consumer insights. Market research refers to the collection of information about your competitors’ products, customers and strategies; while consumer insights enables you to develop a deeper understanding of your customers’ needs and motivations so that you can create shared value propositions that provide value for both sides of the market or relationship (e.g., loyalty programs).

2. Shared Value Proposition

A shared value proposition (SVP) is a statement that describes the benefits you provide or solve for your audience. It’s important to note that it’s not just about how good you are at solving problems—it’s about how much value your solution provides for customers. In other words, if someone can’t use what you’re offering because it doesn’t solve their problem effectively enough, then they won’t be able to make an informed decision on whether or not it’s worth paying for.

A good SVP is one that helps build trust between yourself and your audience by describing exactly how their problems will be solved by using your product/service/idea/etc., as well as providing proof that those solutions exist through tangible evidence (for example: testimonials). It also helps increase brand awareness among potential customers so they know exactly what kind of person owns whatever company they’re interested in buying from when shopping online or offline outside office hours

3. Customer Journey Map

Customer journey map is a visual representation of the customer’s interaction with your brand, from awareness to purchase. It shows the customer’s journey from awareness to purchase or conversion. It helps you understand how your customers interact with your brand.

4. Brand Identity, Brand Positioning and Brand Personality

Brand identity is the sum of all the visual and verbal elements that make up your brand. It includes everything from colors to fonts, logo designs, product packaging and more. Brand positioning is how you position your product relative to competitors in a category or industry segment (e.g., “We are the best at what we do”). Brand personality refers to the values communicated through this positioning (e.g., “We care about our customers”).

A social marketing mix allows your brand to provide real business value

A social marketing mix enables your brand to deliver real business value, by creating real change in the world around you. It’s a strategy that helps you create real change in the world around you. Fundamentally, it is a combination of four elements:

  • Content (blog posts and videos)
  • Community (social media platforms)
  • Advocacy (customer service or other offline activities) 4 In other words, everything that happens between a company and its customers/clients/consumers/prospects, who are potential buyers or users of their products/services


Social marketing is a powerful tool for brands to build relationships with customers. It’s also an effective way to help your brand stand out from competitors and create something that customers want.

Read also : Marketing and Company Reputation: The Best Strategies to Use

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