April 16, 2024

Bettas are beautiful fish that make wonderful companions. However, keeping them alone can be boring for a lonely Betta. To help keep your betta friend from getting bored, you can house him with other small fish. Here are some fish species that can live happily in a female betta sorority.


Goldfish are one of the most popular fish kept in a Betta sorority. These fish are easy to care for, very hardy, and can grow to a huge size. Bettas and goldfish can be very happy together, especially if you keep the goldfish in a tank without a betta. Make sure you choose goldfish that are small enough to stay out of the Betta’s mouth. You do not want your betta friend trying to eat your goldfish. Make sure you feed your goldfish a proper diet; they need plenty of protein to stay healthy. If you feed your goldfish a betta-friendly diet, they can share a tank with a Betta.

Ghost Shrimp

Ghost shrimps are tiny white creatures with transparent shells. These shrimp are very peaceful, and they make great tank mates for Betta fish. Ghost shrimps don’t get bigger than the size of a pea, so they cannot hurt your betta fish. Ghost shrimps eat aquarium algae and other leftovers your fish leave behind. Ghost shrimps are easy to care for, and they are cheap to buy. Make sure you feed your ghost shrimps at least once a day. These shrimp can easily starve in an aquarium. A ghost shrimp Betta sorority is a great option for fishkeepers who don’t have a lot of time to maintain their aquariums. These shrimp are very easy to care for, and they eat leftover food from your fish.

Dwarf Crayfish

Dwarf crayfish are small colorful crustaceans that can live in an aquarium with a betta fish. Like ghost shrimps, crayfish are easy to care for and eat leftover food from your fish. Dwarf crayfish like to dig, so make sure you give them a sandy substrate to burrow in. Crayfish are great tank mates for a betta sorority. They are peaceful animals that will leave your betta fish alone. 

They are very active creatures and will swim around your aquarium. Crayfish are not the best choice if your aquarium has young fish or small shrimp in it. Crayfish are predators, and they can eat small fish, shrimp, and snails. If you are setting up a Betta sorority with crayfish and snails, make sure you feed the crayfish appropriately. Dwarf crayfish are omnivorous and will eat snails if you don’t feed them enough plant matter.

Bristle Worms

Bristle worms are tiny worms that come in many different shapes and colors. Worms make excellent tank mates for Betta fish. Worms are very easy to care for, and they eat leftovers from your fish’s diet. Bran Worms can be very helpful if you have algae problems in your tank. They eat excess algae and help keep your aquarium healthy. Betta fish love swimming through a bristly worm Betta sorority. 

These worms are soft and a great place for your fish to hide. Bristle worms are very sensitive creatures, so make sure you keep your aquarium clean. Dirty tanks can make these worms sick. Bristle worms are not a good choice for a tank with snail species. In the wild, they eat snails, and they will eat your aquarium snails if they get the chance.


Fish are a great choice for a Betta sorority. You can choose fish that are easy to care for and like to swim around in aquariums. A betta fish loves to have a friend to swim with, and a Betta sorority is a great way to keep your betta fish happy. If you care for your fish well, you can enjoy their company for many years. Fish are fun and low-maintenance pets that can make a great addition to any home.

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